Splendide immagini in QTVR

Grazie a Boing Boing una serie di panorami in QuickTime VR Cubico (ovvero proiezione cubica dell'angolo solido 4π) di eccezionale qualità:

Dead telescopes in full-screen QTVR panoramic glory.
Australian photographer and QTVR enthusiast Peter Murphy sends BoingBoing these links to eerie, beautiful full-screen panoramic shots of “one of the massive telescope destroyed by forest fires
in Canberra some weeks ago.”

View one, view two, view three.


[Boing Boing Blog]

Etichettato come BolsoBlog

A web robot primer [en]

Search Engine Robots: An Essential Beginning Guide.

An essential part of ensuring your site is listed in search engines is to entertain the search engine robots on your site. Being aware of how often each robot comes, what pages each robot has sampled and knowing what search engines they represent is a good first step in understand the strengths of each search engine in listing your site and identifying which search engines are serious about your site.

[Elwyn Jenkins: Google? Village]

Etichettato come BolsoBlog

Da Kaleidoscope a Konfabulator

Quei geniacci di Kaleidoscope ne hanno combinata un'altra: Konfabulator, un motore che combina Javascript e XML per creare applicazioncine (widget) che si siedono bellamente sul desktop di Mac OS X mostrandoci che tempo fa, i nostri impegni, le nostre fotografie o (in arrivo), le news dei vari blog.

Chiaramente si vuole ripetere il successo di Kaleidoscope inuducendo la produzione di espansioni da parte delle terze parti. Gli ingredienti ci sono tutti: facilità di programmazione e attrattiva del giochino. Vedremo se sapranno raccogliere anche il buon gusto grafico come è già successo per il team di Audion.

Nel frattempo sono riusciti a far parlare di loro anche su Wired.

Weblogs, power laws and content [en]

A long article by Clay Shirky about Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality has been creating a great buzz in BlogLand these days (see insteresting reactions by Dave Winer or Mark Pilgrim)

While I find interesting the observation about power laws on a wide range of community as BBSs, mail-list, newsgroup and websites compared to weblogs I notice that a real serach for causes of inequality is missing. Clay observes that for the sole reason that a first blogger is linked by a second blogger, a third blogger is inducted in linking the first one.

This of course can lead to a sort of “automatic fame” in a pyramidal way but it misses a point: the content of the majoriry of the bloggers' posts is news.

News are not in an infinite number every day (even though there are many) so when the well-known bloggers have posted the same news references the game is over, at least for newbies. Lazyness, shyness and other reasons prevent the less-known blogger to say something new, to search for a not-so-referenced news or to create something original, even only by commenting that news.

In other words, being a blogger means having something to say and it is not so easy when the blogger world is so largely populated and you are a newcomer. News aggregators are a great tools but often they could transform you in a mere news-firer, not an original content producer.

This is why I mean my blog as my personal notebook, for 3, 5 or 3500 readers, it doesn't matter 🙂

Welcome, Iris Grassilli!

Il web più rapido del telefono… complice il mio bioritmo bolso da influenza bolsa, colgo e rilancio solo ora:

The Grassillis. Ricevo via SMS da Roberto Grassilli e immediatamente pubblico: “Dopo 9 mesi, questa mattina dalle ore 4, Iris Grassilli è quiiiii (musica, applausi, commozione)!. Kg 3,150. Ora mamma e bimba stanno dormendo serene”. Auguri, Rob & Lia. E una vita… [theGNUeconomy]

Bom bom bom bom-pa bom
Sail the ship bom-pa bom
Chop the tree bom-pa bom
Skip the rope bom-pa bom
Look at me

All together now, all toghether now
All together now, all toghether now
All together now, all toghether now
All together now, all toghether now

Anche per il mondo PC il floppy e' (quasi) morto

Dell foresees floppy's fall. The PC maker plans to drop the floppy as standard equipment on one of its Dimension desktops later this month. By John G. Spooner, Staff Writer, CNET News.com. [CNET News.com]

Naturalmente, come cita l'articolo stesso, Apple aveva eliminato il floppy dal neonato iMac nel 1998… 🙂

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