Requirements for XML Schema 1.1 Published

Requirements for XML Schema 1.1 Published. 21 January 2003: The XML Schema Working Group has released the first public Working Draft of Requirements for XML Schema 1.1. Schemas are technology for specifying and constraining the structure of XML documents. The draft adds functionality and clarifies the XML Schema Recommendation Part 1 and Part 2. Read about the XML Activity. (News archive) [World Wide Web Consortium]

Knowing who Hixie is

Why does it matter?. Jay Allen complains that I don't say who I am. So I added an “About Me” link at the top. Jay also implies that without RSS, computers can't read a site. This rather misses the point, though. XHTML is just as computer readable as RSS, in fact, as others have said in the past, XHTML really should be used instead of RSS. [Hixie's Natural Log]

E infatti avevo cercato un link “about me” tutta ieri notte…

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The one I've never tried. I am now using mod_rewrite-based browser sniffing to work around CSS bugs in different browsers. I am aware that this is a complete reversal from my position last week, when I claimed that CSS hackery was the lesser of two evils. To (mis)quote Mae West: “Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried.” (274 words) [dive into mark]

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W3C Launches Timed Text Working Group. 17 January 2003: W3C is pleased to announce the creation of the Timed Text Working Group (TTWG) within the SYMM (Synchronized Multimedia) Activity. The TTWG is chartered to develop an XML based format used to represent streamable text synchronized with timed media like audio or video. Movie captions on the Web are a typical timed text application. Read the group's charter and more about the Synchronized Multimedia Activity. (News archive) [World Wide Web Consortium]

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