Weblogs, power laws and content [en]

A long article by Clay Shirky about Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality has been creating a great buzz in BlogLand these days (see insteresting reactions by Dave Winer or Mark Pilgrim)

While I find interesting the observation about power laws on a wide range of community as BBSs, mail-list, newsgroup and websites compared to weblogs I notice that a real serach for causes of inequality is missing. Clay observes that for the sole reason that a first blogger is linked by a second blogger, a third blogger is inducted in linking the first one.

This of course can lead to a sort of “automatic fame” in a pyramidal way but it misses a point: the content of the majoriry of the bloggers' posts is news.

News are not in an infinite number every day (even though there are many) so when the well-known bloggers have posted the same news references the game is over, at least for newbies. Lazyness, shyness and other reasons prevent the less-known blogger to say something new, to search for a not-so-referenced news or to create something original, even only by commenting that news.

In other words, being a blogger means having something to say and it is not so easy when the blogger world is so largely populated and you are a newcomer. News aggregators are a great tools but often they could transform you in a mere news-firer, not an original content producer.

This is why I mean my blog as my personal notebook, for 3, 5 or 3500 readers, it doesn't matter 🙂

Welcome, Iris Grassilli!

Il web più rapido del telefono… complice il mio bioritmo bolso da influenza bolsa, colgo e rilancio solo ora:

The Grassillis. Ricevo via SMS da Roberto Grassilli e immediatamente pubblico: “Dopo 9 mesi, questa mattina dalle ore 4, Iris Grassilli è quiiiii (musica, applausi, commozione)!. Kg 3,150. Ora mamma e bimba stanno dormendo serene”. Auguri, Rob & Lia. E una vita… [theGNUeconomy]

Bom bom bom bom-pa bom
Sail the ship bom-pa bom
Chop the tree bom-pa bom
Skip the rope bom-pa bom
Look at me

All together now, all toghether now
All together now, all toghether now
All together now, all toghether now
All together now, all toghether now

Anche per il mondo PC il floppy e' (quasi) morto

Dell foresees floppy's fall. The PC maker plans to drop the floppy as standard equipment on one of its Dimension desktops later this month. By John G. Spooner, Staff Writer, CNET News.com. [CNET News.com]

Naturalmente, come cita l'articolo stesso, Apple aveva eliminato il floppy dal neonato iMac nel 1998… 🙂

Felini misuratori di tempo

Anch'io ho un orologio biologico a casa. La domenica mattina, quando magari uno pensa di dormire un po' di più, il mio orologio biologico mi sale sulla pancia e urla: “MIAO!” [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Italian weblog]

Luigi invece sale sul cuscino e si mette a fare le fusa con un rumore a metà fra una cicala e una tortora. Mah…

Etichettato come BolsoBlog

Italian vs. english post

Un fatto curioso capitato a Paolo Valdemarin mi ha confortato sui dubbi che avevo rispetto al postare in inglese:

Last Saturday I found out that Russel Beattie is reading my Italian weblog.

Somehow it came unexpected, it's true that I write differently on my English and my Italian weblogs and maybe I didn't expect any of my “not Italian” readers to read my Italian weblog.[…]

I almost never cross-post, before writing each post I decide if it's going to be in English or in Italian.

[Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]

Avevo infatti predisposto categorie di Radio Userland solo inglesi o solo italiane. Mi sono accorto in seguito che era interessante dire cose in entrambe le lingue indipendentemente dalle categorie su cui compariva il post.

Inoltre alcune riflessioni sul ruolo di “lingua formale” che l'inglese sta assumendo su Internet le ho ritrovate nelle osservazioni che Russel Beattie fa sui blog di Paolo Valdemarin:

If you hadn't noticed, Paolo doesn't blog the same in both languages. And I think to me, many times his Italian weblog is more interesting and natural. This could just be my imagination, but I think his English weblog is more a “public face” weblog for all you monoglots (“he says with nose slightly inclined upwards…”). [Russel Beattie's Notebook]

In effetti la rigida modularità della frase anglo-americana, la possibilità di coniare neologismi pregnanti unendo parole con il trattino (“never-seen-before footage”), irriproducibili in italiano, aiutano a dare un tono di “formalità gigiona” agli scritti su Internet (weblog, newsgroup, mailing list).

Del resto il tragi-comico disincanto che trasuda dalla nostra lingua difficilmente potrebbe trovare un corrispettivo in inglese. Provate a tradurre qualche arrampicata sugli specchi come indultino e raccontatemi che facce fanno gli interessati…

HelloWorld – a complex desktop?

HelloWorld is a project for a Desktop replacement. It looks very interesting (check the screenshots), something I would definetly like to play with. What I'm wondering is how much will it take to move from one visual metaphor to another. In history of computing it has never happened: we moved from command line, which was not visual, to icons, windows, menus and trash cans back in 1984 and we are still here, with just a few more colors and soft shadows behind our windows. [via MacSlash] [Paolo Valdemarin: Paolo's Weblog]

I tried to forget this news before Paolo's post reminded me of it. I'm afraid I can't avoid to try this new multi-media/multi-source way of looking at my virtual desktop. 🙂

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